
Disaster Risk Data Hub (DRDH)

A ‘one source of truth’ data platform being developed by NSWRA and administered by Spatial Services for local and state government to use in disaster preparedness and response.

State Disaster Mitigation Plan

The SDMP includes actions to improve how we manage the risk of natural hazards.


Councils and TfNSW have data gaps in better preparing the local, regional and state road network.

Spatial Services

Should be the ‘one source of truth’ for natural hazard data.

Disaster Risk Reduction


Needs Analysis

Understanding natural hazards and vulnerabilities of Central NSW.

Need to implement 2 regional opportunities from this:

  1. Disaster Dashboards
  2. Data Sharing Agreements with Spatial Services


  • Piloting new technology for community engagement to be aware of their hazards.
  • A tool that can be used for strategic planning.


Access to data and information from TfNSW for councils, and councils for TfNSW, to ensure a more resilient transport network.

Scoping Study

Data gaps and opportunities identified for disaster risk reduction.

IP&R Framework

Disaster risk reduction incorporated into councils IP&R processes