Joint Organisations

8 Joint Organisations (JO) have been funded under the joint Australian Government – NSW Government National Partnership on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Each JO has a unique project, though where there are similarities across each project the JOs work together as the Regional Resilience Program (RRP).

Examples of the types of collaboration across the JO network:

  1. CNSWJO led the aggregated procurement for seven JOs (61 LGAs) in the procurement of a needs analysis, resulting in efficiencies, cost savings and systemic outcomes.
  2. Three JOs (26 LGAs) are working on a Spatial Data Scoping study that will identify gaps and opportunities.
  3. Five JOs (40 LGAs) have partnered with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and are close to providing councils access to a wealth of TfNSW data that has previously been unattainable.
  4. Sharing of information across eight JOs (65 LGAs) for a consistent and systemic approach to embedding disaster risk reduction into councils integrated planning and reporting (IP&R) processes).
  5. Sharing of resources across JOs to facilitate workshops that pilot new community engagement technology for disaster risk reduction.